Save the Date- Upcoming Events in Philadelphia!

I really enjoy the spring and summer months in this job. People are out, things are happening, there’s a buzz in the air– AND I get to criss-cross the state meeting thousands of fabulous LGBT and allied people at pride events and parties!

These months are also a very busy time of year for everyone, and before your social calendars become completely full, I wanted to draw your attention to just a few upcoming events in Philly over the next two months.

12th Anniversary Event and Fundraiser! Each year we celebrate our successes and raise money to continue the work we’re doing statewide, and this year our anniversary event will be held on Thursday, May 8. Our new and absolutely fantastic Development Coordinator Michael is working hard to make this year’s event the best it’s ever been, so this is one fundraiser you won’t want to miss. We’ll post more details and information on how to RSVP in the coming weeks.

Equality Forum! Every year, thousands of LGBT people from across the country, and the world, descend upon Philadelphia for a week of workshops, forums, parties and events at the annual Equality Forum. This year Equality Advocates is working closely with the great folks at Equality Forum on several events that you don’t want to miss. Katie Stewart, our Youth Law Project Attorney and resident cool-kid will be co-presenting an entire day of Youth Programming on Saturday, May 3. That same day I’ll be presenting a workshop on how to effectively advocate for LGBT issues in your community.

That night, we are co-sponsoring a statewide reception with Liberty PA at Pure Nightclub with special guests U.S. Representatives Murphy and Sestak. This will be a fabulous event and amazing chance to network with engaged activists from across the region and state.

Additionally, we will have a table at the street-fest on Sunday, May 4 and need volunteers to help us man the table.

These are just a few of the very exciting events coming down the line in the coming months, so keep checking back for more information!


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